Popularization of Rabi Maize Cultivation in the Villages of West Tripura district
Maize, HQPM-1, FLD, Yield, Economics, West TripuraAbstract
A study was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra West Tripura in the five selected villages of West Tripura district during the Rabi season of 2019, 2020 and 2021 to popularize the improved & scientific cultivation practices of maize among the farmers. Front Line Demonstration (FLD) was conducted with scientific package of practices of maize production technology. The maize hybrid HQPM-1 was given to the farmers for conducting demonstration. The HQPM-1 was found superior over farmers’ practice. The quality protein maize HQPM-1 showed 78.8% increased in yield over the local check. The net return and return per rupee invested were sufficiently high to motivate farmers for adoption of maize hybrid HQPM-1 with improved production technologies during rabi season.