NRCHB-101-a promising Indian mustard variety for the farmers of West Tripura district
Mustard, Yield, Technology gap, Front Line Demonstration, Extension gapAbstract
A field study was conducted in the selected villages of West Tripura district by ICAR- KVK West Tripura during the rabi season of 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 to popularize the Indian mustard variety NRCHB-101 among the farmers. Front Line Demonstration was conducted with scientific package of practices of mustard. The variety NRCHB-101 was found superior than the farmers practice. The demonstrated variety enhanced mustard seed yield by 65.95% over the local check. The net return and benefit cost ratio were sufficiently high to motivate farmers for adoption of NRCHB-101 with scientific package of practices.