Bio-intensive management of pest complex of brinjal, Solanum melongena L. in an organic environment.


  • Sushruta Boruah School of Crop Protection, CPGS-AS, CAU-Imphal, Umiam, Meghalaya Author
  • Mahesh Pathak School of Crop Protection, CPGS-AS, CAU-Imphal, Umiam, Meghalaya Author
  • Kennedy Ningthoujam School of Crop Protection, CPGS-AS, CAU-Imphal, Umiam, Meghalaya Author
  • Pranab Dutta School of Crop Protection, CPGS-AS, CAU-Imphal, Umiam, Meghalaya Author
  • Raghubir Kumar Patidar School of Crop Protection, CPGS-AS, CAU-Imphal, Umiam, Meghalaya Author
  • N.S Azad Thakur School of Crop Protection, CPGS-AS, CAU-Imphal, Umiam, Meghalaya Author


Bio-pesticide, Chlorantraniliprole, Seed treatment, Soil treatment, Um-Comb.


Field studies were carried out to evaluate eco-friendly management strategies to manage the pest complex of brinjal in Umiam, Meghalaya (India) from April to July, 2021. The treatment combinations in nursery included seed treatment, soil treatment, seed + soil treatment with Um-Comb while in transplanted main field were seed treatment + foliar spray with Um- Comb, soil treatment + foliar spray with Um-Comb, seed + soil treatment + foliar spray with Um-Comb at 21 days interval from the date of transplanting and chemical treatment (Chlorantraniliprole and Dimethoate) when the pest population reached ETL. Um-Comb (biopesticide) was prepared by combination of six compatible bio agents (Trichoderma harzianum, Beauveria bassiana Metarhizium anisopliae, Verticillium leccani and Pseudomonas fluorescens ). The results showed that Chlorantraniliprole 18.50 SC was the most effective against brinjal shoot and fruit borer and hadda beetle while Dimethoate 30 EC against the sucking pests (aphids and jassids). The seed and soil treatment and foliar spray with Um-Comb resulted in increase in height of the plant, number of branches and yield. Among the different Um-Comb combinations, seed + soil treatment + foliar sprays were found to be the most effective treatment in managing the major pests. The highest marketable yield was achieved from the chemically treated plots; however the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was highest (2.74:1) in seed + soil treatment + foliar spray with Um-Comb.

